Category: Uncategorized

Machine learning for predictive maintenance: where to start?

Machine learning for predictive maintenance: where to start? What is predictive maintenance? Think of all the machines you use over the course of a year, everything from a toaster every morning to an airplane every summer vacation. Now imagine that, from now on, one of them broke down every day. What impact would that have? By [...]

Top 6 trends in the food industry for 2021

Top 6 food industry trends for 2021 Predicting the future of the food industry is no easy task, especially after a tumultuous 2020 that turned the industry upside down. However, some key elements to note from the past year will continue to have an impact on 2021 and, probably, beyond. With 85% of consumers claiming to have changed their [...]

The digital transformation of the factory: smart manufacturing

The digital transformation of the factory: intelligent manufacturing Industry is experiencing an unprecedented acceleration in digital transformation; process automation and human-machine interaction technologies in the context of COVID-19. Indeed, while companies are beginning to adapt to the severe disruption caused by the pandemic and a prolonged recovery process; [...]

How does Industry 4.0 open up new growth frontiers for your production lines?

How does Industry 4.0 open up new frontiers of growth for your production lines? Production line - Multiple technologies are converging to usher in the fourth industrial revolution. One aspect of this trend, Industry 4.0, comes with the promise of improving manufacturing by increasing efficiency on several fronts. If the benefits of Industry 4.0 are to be [...]

The 5 key steps for a successful industrial digitalization

5 key steps to successful industrial digitization Today, the concept of industrial digitization or the smart factory is gaining in relevance at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed companies to reinvent themselves in order to supply products to potentially unexpected customers. The following article is a summary in the form of five [...].

How to use machine learning to optimize your production

How to use machine learning for for production optimization? Production optimization - How can you use machine learning to optimize your production? Fully autonomous production plants will be available in the not too distant future. But even today, machine learning can make a big difference in optimizing your production.

Criticality analysis: what is it and why is it important?

Criticality analysis: what is it and why is it important? Criticality analysis is defined as the process of assigning assets a criticality rating based on their potential risk of failure. What is criticality analysis? Criticality analysis is defined as the process of assigning assets a criticality rating based on their potential risk of failure.

Factory of the Future - Open Data Sources for Industrial AI

Factory of the Future - Open data sources for industrial AI When starting a new project (Factory of the Future) aimed at improving the capabilities of a production facility through artificial intelligence, the common question is: "Is it feasible?" Artificial intelligence in an industrial context requires a lot of data to train the underlying algorithms. The [...]